"I am continually impressed by the frequency with which acupuncture is able to help a person return to good health and in turn to improve their awareness of how to best take care of themselves. Acupuncture is perfectly complemented by the deeply relaxing benefits of Zero Balancing which frees held tensions, aligning and unifying the body."
Alan Hext, Dorset Acupuncture Centre.
The practice is in central Poole a few minutes walk from the Dolphin Centre, bus and train stations.
Two practitioners:
– Alan Hext MAc MBAcC Cert ZB
– Alice Rogers BA(Hons) Lic Ac MBAcC Cert ZB
– Members of the largest professional acupuncture body in the UK
– Free initial consultations available
– Find us easily on Parkstone Road just down from the Mount Pleasant Roundabout